
Showing posts from February, 2020

Rent seeking product driving

Rent seeking is actually illegal under profiteering laws, yet the user base at large just sees this as ' business as usual ' or ' that is just how business works ' or ' how are we to tell others how they earn their money '.  Well the truth there is laws for that. Manufacturers having all their future and feature choices tied to an epicly short 3-6mo cycle with some making it to 12mo.  This time frame isn't long enough for end users to get the new smell and feel out of something to get a full value.  For military and space industries the use life of products are in a minimum 10yr cycle and that is where all manufacturers should expect their end users be using their products to, they did in the past.  Manufacturers go so far as limiting or even removing the end users access to simply clean the dust out of a device or replace batteries. Asking end users to pay a monthly to use their devices would go over like a lead balloon, but is essentially what we have