Community losing's it's core

This is here not because of a system that is being abused but as a system that is no longer being used and being used less and less as time goes on.

When people first banded together into communities it was not the exploitation of others but the support gained from others.  The sharing of knowledge and experience freely with out expecting something in return. The few working for the many instead of the individual over working them self to get everything done.

Community schools and community hospitals are two things that were started up to be run and paid for by the community as a whole as a non-profit as well as have it's door always open to all.  In the US modern times this has been moving farther to being for-profit being paid by the individual and limited access.

The US in recent practice has been moving away from ' Community of people ' to a ' Community of individuals '.  This practice does not help economy but actually hinders the economy by reducing the sharing and helping which is the key goal of being a community.


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