Economic growth blockers

Usually nothing legal or unethical here, mostly just misunderstood or misguided.

Religion is often to blaim here citing the source of the new income for the area would be either too immoral or against their beliefs.  Yes they have a right to state that, but there comes the other point of ' The good of the many out weigh the good of the few ' .  This is where a third party that is not in favor of either argument to measure benefits and costs of the new source.

Ignorance or intolerance are the next two in the list.  Now intolerance can have it's point in both ethical and moral standing around which point it would be favorable to block the source.  Ignorance is never an excuse and even more so with internet.

Anti-competitive , now this is always bad and in fact illegal.  Even though this comes up again and again as the cause of blocked growth.

Political gain , this is just as bad as the above.  It is more unethical to do so in this fashion as it is not only in support of another reason but doing so for personal gain which is at the same time should be against the reglish beliefs.


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