Food industry plow unders

One would think that food would be the last place to find greed, but nope there are areas of business with less.

Subsidies, Product sabatage, Business ethics, Price gouging, Rent-seeking, Refusal to deal.

Deregulation would be listed but thank god it's oversight committees are harder to bend.

Farms get subsided to dump product just to inflat prices through a fake shortage of supply.

Water that is just bottled, only filtered and boiled to clean bacteria and sediment is often sold for profit.  Some bottles care more for profit then the environment so they will drain reservoirs who's area needs that supply or the area is in drought.

Corporate farms with very little employee count sell to retailers at increased rate to price out any private farms not working with them which are forced to sell at reduced rate.

The seeds which farmers buy to grow crops are owned by the same corporations they are competing against, which results in gains to the Corporate on both ends and a total net loss to the farmer.

Frozen food shipped over seas twice before it is shelved for retail.  Yes food gathered in the US is shipped out for processing and packaging then shipped back to be sold.

Food is the most often up priced by retailers to gain a short term profit, this is often arrested for but that doesn't stop people from trying.


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