Housing bust

This I just can not understand, the only item where over time property raise's in value instead of falling.  Where a used item is still sold for more then initial purchase price.  In some limited case's property should go up only tiny bits when resold, but only in events where there was an add-on or remodel.

Theft, Fraud, Usury, Deregulation, Price fixing

Some property goes up/down in value based on factors that have nothing to do with the physical property it's self but neighboring property.  This you can sum up to Fraud, Usury or Price fixing.  Almost no one ever looks into this market as a source of potential crime happening as it has been going on like this for longer then 100 years.

Some people when looking to sell a house will force those in the neighborhood to spend extra money and time to beautify their property to artificially inflate property values in time for the sale of their property.  But no one looks into this as a Profiteering crime as they are too busy looking at it as a neighborhood beautification effort.

Home mortgages are a hot bed and is one of the largest money sink holes behind medical.  Just take a look and do the break down and math of what you are paying per month to what you should be paying.  You will find figures do not add up right.  On top of that mortgages are traded like stock options.

  1. APR ( Annual Percentage Rate ) is how much of what is owed in the remaining is increased per year.
  2. Interest rate a fixed amount of profit to the lender of the total.
^^^  Ding ding, should see a huge red flag there.  A ballooning amount of profit to the lender due to getting double interest in return in which one is a monthly and other is one time.  The APR is applied after the flat one time and re-tallied each year, not on the base value.  It is said you start off paying mostly on the interest then the base value, which wouldn't that lead to the gross total of what your paying back add up way more then 150% (instead of 110%) which for the longer the term of the loan the more the interest inflates.


There is another aspect to this mess that again is not seen as a profiteering crime but as beautification, refusal to behave as a community, or cost reduction.  If it's cost reduction they want, they can file for ' non-profit ' status and have the residents them self employed to the building to do the maintenance...problem solved.  Yes those old housing ' projects ' that were done in the past with high rises was actually the most cost effective method of supplying the most housing at the lowest cost to everyone.  No longer have a homelessness issue or concern over skyrocketing housing costs.


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