Intro summery

There are many many things broken in the US legal and Economy fields, but the bulk of them are just symptoms and effects of a root cause.  Health care costs, food costs, internet costs, law enforcement responses and actions, government actions, crime, government assistance programs, general product costs, transportation costs...basically everything is effected by so little and surprisingly how little is truly at fault of such a large picture.

This all started back with President Reagan.  Too many people have a short and narrow view and place blame on the most recent events, but in truth viewing the world like that will only hurt the world.

The two things that are at the lead for being cause's to the vast number of problems is Corporate Greed and Executive Pay.

Corporations trying to pull in as much profit as they can have turned to a method of doing so by any means even those that are illegal.

This is just the top: under current legislation this is not entirely illegal (I'll get to that later).  They lobby government to changes the rules that regulate and effect them (Subverting the law).  They donate to government to vote in their favor (Bribing and Voter manipulation).  They lobby to create their own legislation (Circumventing the law).

Legislation and paperwork that fog the issue:
  • Citizens United, this is by far the biggest problem allowing for the most technically illegal actions to be done legally.  So much is done and allowed with this it can get confusing to explain.  On the top it allows a corporation to make direct donations as if an individual, thus allowing Corps to effect the outcome of political elections and votes.  This same thing give's corps an out when committing actions that are questionable as the Corp (an entity) acts as an individual while citing no actual individual, how ever the legal process can only prosecute actual individuals but not entities.
  • Electoral College.  A system set up back in 1787 when communication, information and messages took time to get back and fourth.  This system was also put in place to relieve risk of vote corruption (this system is now corruptible and can be biased).  Having started out not aligned to any party and needing to vote based on the popular vote for their district, this was later changed by ' State ' based decision to have them be party aligned and their for needing to vote with in their party.  ----  There is more to this.
  • Gerrymandering.  This is a process of dividing land up into areas.  This process is HIGHLY broken from it's first creation and use.  At first this was used to redraw land boundaries where residents of one area was of too little to represent them self in government matters.  This later got mutilated to allow it's abuse for local tax and vote reasons biased to a party or town.  This corrupted boundary drawing added under the above ' Electoral College ' changes the District in which the electors vote for as a way to indirectly manipulate the vote resulting in someone >> losing the popular vote << but still winning the election.  As stated a couple lines ago this effects taxes for an area, some towns have: cut out parks, cut the farm house from the crop fields, cut public buildings out, cut business's out, drawn business's in.
  • Non-Compete Agreements.  This actually facilitates monopoly's.  Under law monopoly's are illegal and under capitalism competition is required.  How ever this is an added bonus to what many business's actually are looking for from these, the intent they are looking for is better suited using an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement).
There are lists of laws corporations break under both profiteering and racketeering.  Which due to muddied waters of the current state of the legal system and government handling they are managing to get away with breaking them.  Legally they are not above the law and are technically in violation of the law.

The break down of which laws are broken:
  • Profiteering as Anti-Competitive behavior:  Divided territories, Patent misuse, Absorption of competitors, Deregulation, Limit pricing, Refusal to deal, Tying, Subsidies, Product sabotage, Business ethics, Rent-seeking, Usury, Supracompetitve pricing
  • Racketeering:  Protection racket, Theft, Fraud, Tax evasion, Bribery/Blackmail, Extortion, 
  • Price gouging, though loosely falls under profiteering it's often use in comparison to the rest has given it's own set of laws.
Aiding and Abetting , Anyone assisting or defending criminal actions is held accountable for those actions them self.  So few people actually get charged with this that really should be charged.  There are lawyer's that go out of their way to find loop holes for their defendants to use while fully knowing their defendant is 100% guilty of all charges.
Reading this list you can see how over reaching just one little thing has such a massive wide spread effect.

Useful read pertaining to info listed here.


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