Law enforcement officers

Yes odd thing to list along side economy, but more then the avg person thinks interacts with economy and in fact nearly everything does.

There is a small but very loud population of LEO's that really should not have a badge.  They are not violating laws dealing with economy but they are with other laws.

Harassment, Bullying, Brutality, Abuse.

But along with those is yet more crimes that are done less often by LEO's but still done.

Extortion (not for profit but still some kind of gain), Theft, Blackmail (this goes both ways, the LEO doing or being the target), Bribing (accepting in this case).

Countless reports which is mostly aimed at minority group members of those said things.  To the point some people are afraid to even go outside alone even though the only other people out there are LEO's.

There have been LEO's that have taken property from people as ' evidence ' just to either use them self or sell.  Many time FBI have arrested LEO's for this, but it is still done.

Accepting bribes or blackmailed to look the other way while a crime is happening under their watch.  Some LEO's even help in physically committing a crime while getting paid to do so.

They are there to ' Protect and Serve ' , those that do above actions are not protecting.  These action only cause stigma and mistrust of LEO's in general resulting in fewer people seeking help in fear of just getting nothing but more of the same.

Response time in the US is has people asking, " How long does it take? "  If the response time was in reason that would not even be a question being asked.  But the avg response time from even calling 911 can be up to 45mins after.  Even after calm negotiations and even State and Federal LEO's berating the local LEOs about it.  This is why people act hysterical and go overboard just to get them to show up in a reasonable time of less then 5mins, yes they get held accountable for not being truthful...but do you blame them for wanting a reasonable response?

With that in mind people may have evidence to convict someone but too untrusting to do something with it.


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