Profiteering and Racketeering explained

There is a lot that falls under this and most these actions are illegal in US law while all are immoral or unethical.  Capitalism runs > only < with healthy competition.  You'll note that almost all of the following involves the removal of competition.

Divided territories, The splitting up of land to which two competing business's do not overlap and actually compete.

Patent misuse, Buying of patents with the promise of one thing but doing something else, in most case's just obtaining them to self and forget as a means of removing competition or advancement of tech.

Absorption of competitors, Buying up competing business's for the simply act of removing competition.

Deregulation, Removal or adjustment of laws, legislation or regulation to fit their actions.

Limit pricing, Setting up a minimum entry fee for new business's to reduce the chance of a new business upstart to compete.

Refusal to deal, Only working with one dealer to prevent new starts from even gaining a foot hold to compete.

Tying, Bundling or grouping of items or services to increase total sales even if only part of the total will ever see use or value on it's own.

Subsidies, The funding of an unprofitable venture to reduce chance of new start ups competing due to the unprofitable natures at set operating costs.

Product sabotage, The devaluing, hiding, shaming or profitable price adjusting to make the sales of more expensive item or service sell more then the actual value based to a customer.

Business ethics, Anything done in business that is no matter immoral or unethical while being explained as ' That's just how business works ' , anyone telling you that is lieing.

Rent-seeking, Adding value to something that has no value of it's self or has been changed in any way.

Usury, Often confused with Price gouging by being roughly the same.  Unethically over pricing items or services above cost.

Supracompetitve pricing, insight of no competition greatly over pricing an item or service to an extreme.

Price gouging, Up pricing of an item just for profit with out actually changing the value of an item usually done during an event be it a festival or disaster.

Protection racket, Asking for payment to prevent loss of property or life.

Theft, Beyond just petty theft but still the same thing on a grander scale,

Fraud, Conning one person out of something by any means not a result of a threat.

Tax evasion, Refusal to pay taxes with out legal reasoning to do so or over use of legal reason to do so.

Bribery/Blackmail, Paying/forcing one person to do as you ask them to do usually looking the other way or voting in your favor.

Extortion, Like protection racket but with only threats instead of actual action.


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