Shipping costs stumbling

No, not talking about the parcel service's like USPS or UPS.  I'm talking freight.

Now here, the cheap route has been and still is trains.  Cheapest per ton per mile.  How ever the delay out loading and unloading a truck by forklift.  So you get the ' Time is money '  If using a TEU ' Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit '  will things up by just moving the container from hauler to hauler which is just as fast as a semi changing trailers.  But again back to ' Time is money ' the number of trucks on the roads builds up traffic congestion and slow travel times down.

Here's the problem and for once it's not the corporations at fault.  Extortion from the unions working with the truck drivers actively block corporations from moving away from using trucks.  Unions are doing their job of protecting worker job security.  How ever this ethical act is not looking at the ' Needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few ' resulting in increased costs across the board:  Pricing, travel times, travel risk, traffic congestion.

Another problem is fuel costs.  Where trains use almost nothing to go long distances at 70 mpg, trucks on the other hand drink fuel at 6 mpg.


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