
Retirement sounds like something that should not effect economy negatively, but it does in a few ways.

The age at which people retire is growing on in years resulting in jobs that in the past opened up sooner to where now they just are not.  This growing age of retirement also brings with it increased income of those retired and thus they feel less of the impact of increased cot of living.  This detachment from that reality effects their view on it usually resulting in them not wanting to reduce the cost of living down to something the economy can truly handle.

Healthcare cost of those in the retirement age is the same with them retired or not.  But those not retired feel less impact on increased healthcare costs and thus feel less of a need to bring the costs down.

With the age of retirement increasing those younger have less and less chance to obtain work for them self, being younger there is less programs in place for them usually resulting in increased crime, increased upset, increased burden on society, increased homelessness, increased health issues, vastly lowered ability to retire at all them self.

To fix the above problems, need to enforce a retirement age of 55-65, increase retirement assistance programs, lower cost of living and healthcare, lower cost of travel, lower cost of housing, lower cost of food, lower cost of utilities, lower cost of communication.


There is a new movement with retirement that also negatively effects the greater economy as a whole.  This is retire early, I'm not talking by just 5-10yrs but by 20-35yrs earlier then suggested target age when you start receiving benefits that go those in retirement age.  The problem here is these people though still buying goods and services are paying less in taxes and as well not earning an income which again is another tax they are not paying into.  The lowered shared of paid into taxes effects communities and federal ability to provide, grow and daily operations...not just relief programs.


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