Ride and house sharing services

Most know of these and have taken over for taxis and hotels.  But there are two rather big problems with them.

First is cost vs income.  Cost to end user is of course cheaper then what their competing and replacing, problem comes to the local people providing the service.  Rules to be a provider states you need a new car ( less then 3 years )  is regularly cleaned and maintenanced, how ever no extra pay is given to the provider to cover that and the pay they do get can come up short for the gas used.  Story is no different for the housing end.

Until a year or little longer ago the provider had no regulations over them, how ever in some remote locations this still holds true.  In most areas for the driving a proper chauffeurs license is required, cost of this training and the license it's self is as well not covered by the service.  Beyond that there is still nothing in place to make sure the provider won't be committing a crime, unlike taxi's where each driver has there car registered and so are they with extra training to obtain the Medallion.  Damage end users cause to property is not covered by the service or insurance, but the service still requires the provider to take care of the dmg.

The home sharing end if it is in an area where renting is common like apartments, this does two things.  Changes the zoning from residential to commercial which in turn raise's renting rates/costs.  Also the home sharing residents care less about the property or neighbors which that brings a list of problems and risks.  Again the service provider takes none of the responsibility and leaves it squarely on the unit provider which is left liabil to any legal costs.

The economy problem is small in numbers effected but still remains a thorn to economy problems for the area.


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