Right vs Privilege

This is oddly a heated debait.  You have those stating that virtually everything is a privilege, and the other end wanting to claim too much is a right.  Reality is somewhere between but leaning to more things being a Right.

First off should be the easiest for most to accept.  Everything required at a minimum to obtain and maintain employment should be counted as a Right as this will help maintain more people employed and paying their own way and what they have.  A street address, a phone, basic internet, this in it's self would also take care of most homelessness.

Next up is basic healthcare as a Right.  You don't want to get sick because someone your around is but just can not afford it.  If you provide everyone with enough medical to at least keep spreadable disease covered you won't have to worry about getting sick by someone else...no more ' ConFlu ' as it's called.

Education up til age 21 is already listed as a law as a Right, so don't need to repeat that.

Next up is public mass transportation within city metro could fall under as a Right but limited to bus or train.  This firstly as a means to move people between housing and work.

Following that is basic food as a Right but limited until the securement of employment.  This is partly in place as ' Food Stamps ' but that is a system that needs review.


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