Copyright abuse and fair use

Fair use is the artistical modification of a bit of content be it a still img, video clip of audio track.  This is fully legal for anyone to do as long as it does not impair the holders profits.

Abuses have been done when the profits are not impaired, the artist is not taking profit them self from the edited work, the artist has direct written permission from the original auther.  In these cases the artist being claimed against usually lacks the finances's to fight back against the false claims in which they will win if held under an official court.  How ever it gets worse, the claimed often does not have to bring the small claims to court and can handle outside of court in a Tribunal in which now the claimed holds all the cards despite the artist having full legal rights.

Now get this, the cost the claimer is going for these small claims often exceeds any potential profit they could have obtained.  Avg length of content falsely claimed is less than 10sec, the claimer is paying someone by the hour to watch and listen to hours of artistic work, the cost of paperwork and court proceedings.  The cost of a single hours of pay to the person looking for content to place a claim on is more then the worth of the content being claimed.

More on this, just the music industry does this and even then it's just the publishers without even consulting the performers.

Those publishers won't even allow the film industry to have over the air TV or radio playing in the background to provide immergen.  They will not allow gamers recording a game playthrough to use the games own music.

All of this is done at a loss to the claimer.  They pay a person by the hour to watch and listen to hours of content for something to claim, the cost of paperwork, the court costs.  The single hour of pay to the single person is often more then the worth of potential profit they could obtain.  The claimers do this just to bully, abuse and be mean.


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