
Showing posts from July, 2018

Scamming, the largest market of crime

Scamming is a crime bulked Profiteering and should never been seen as a means of profit. Scamming comes in so many forms that come and go as both knowledge and tech changes.  The list of scams is so massive due to being one of the oldest and widest spread form of theft by a businessman. Scams have so many different forms it can not be listed in law all in of it's self even under profiteering.  Though most scams fall under either Fraud or Ethics. Scamming is often handled quickly by law enforcement, but the problem is the scam's take between 1-5 years before the scam is found out and the scammers move on only 2-4 years after starting making locating them difficult. Corporate scamming how ever, they do get caught and they don't move on.  But they often add to their list of crime blackmail, bribing and law circumventing.  So they continue to commit crime openly in front of the public and yet no one does anything, mostly due to those in politics in charge of law

Ride and house sharing services

Most know of these and have taken over for taxis and hotels.  But there are two rather big problems with them. First is cost vs income.  Cost to end user is of course cheaper then what their competing and replacing, problem comes to the local people providing the service.  Rules to be a provider states you need a new car ( less then 3 years )  is regularly cleaned and maintenanced, how ever no extra pay is given to the provider to cover that and the pay they do get can come up short for the gas used.  Story is no different for the housing end. Until a year or little longer ago the provider had no regulations over them, how ever in some remote locations this still holds true.  In most areas for the driving a proper chauffeurs license is required, cost of this training and the license it's self is as well not covered by the service.  Beyond that there is still nothing in place to make sure the provider won't be committing a crime, unlike taxi's where each driver has there

Right vs Privilege

This is oddly a heated debait.  You have those stating that virtually everything is a privilege, and the other end wanting to claim too much is a right.  Reality is somewhere between but leaning to more things being a Right. First off should be the easiest for most to accept.  Everything required at a minimum to obtain and maintain employment should be counted as a Right as this will help maintain more people employed and paying their own way and what they have.  A street address, a phone, basic internet, this in it's self would also take care of most homelessness. Next up is basic healthcare as a Right.  You don't want to get sick because someone your around is but just can not afford it.  If you provide everyone with enough medical to at least keep spreadable disease covered you won't have to worry about getting sick by someone more ' ConFlu ' as it's called. Education up til age 21 is already listed as a law as a Right, so don't need to re

Autism and employment

This loosely attached to the overall economy, but seeing as how many people can and are effected it is at least worth noting where and how it falls in. Risk aversion is high among those with autism.  This is added on with anxiety, a detachment to emotions ( which come with lack of excitement ) and a lack of social imagination.  All this directly effects not only the increased rate of failure at an interview but also even the ability to go out and apply for a job.  This is where the story ends for bulk of those with autism, largely unemployed or underemployed. But at the same time the same risk aversion can be a benefit to an employer as an advisor or consultant. A number of those in the autism spectrum have heightened sense's, faster mental response time, instinctual ability at a given task.  Though not all at the same time or same degree but to an employer this should also be seen as a benefit. But employers instead of seeing the potential benefits just see the detachment


Retirement sounds like something that should not effect economy negatively, but it does in a few ways. The age at which people retire is growing on in years resulting in jobs that in the past opened up sooner to where now they just are not.  This growing age of retirement also brings with it increased income of those retired and thus they feel less of the impact of increased cot of living.  This detachment from that reality effects their view on it usually resulting in them not wanting to reduce the cost of living down to something the economy can truly handle. Healthcare cost of those in the retirement age is the same with them retired or not.  But those not retired feel less impact on increased healthcare costs and thus feel less of a need to bring the costs down. With the age of retirement increasing those younger have less and less chance to obtain work for them self, being younger there is less programs in place for them usually resulting in increased crime, increased upset,